Thursday, June 23, 2011


Education is a lie: mediocre talent often yields incredible wealth. Britney Spears is the first name that comes to mind but these talents are plentiful. I grew up listening to talented singers but Britney Spears--known mostly for her lip synching and dance moves, continues to captivate fans. I enjoy her music but I use her to demonstrate that you do not have to be the best; you have to have the best commercial packaging. George W. Bush is another excellent example. Bush was inarticulate, he would often resort to humor under dire circumstances, and his pronunciation and misuse of words sometimes had people laughing at him. The comedian Chris Rock even joked that "a C student can become President". The system is up and running and until it is broken, education will remain neglected and underrated.

I was happy to discover that the United Nations has finally recognized Homosexuals' rights. This is long overdue. I am glad that progress has arrived. I hope that humanity teaches us additional lessons in order for us all to coexist peacefully.

Today was also the day that President Obama announced troop withdrawals in Afghanistan. It is unfortunate that souls were lost to these wars waged by the U.S. And other countries. The Western World is often regarded as modern and advanced but when we resort to war and violence, we regress to behaving in barbaric ways. We are capable of diplomacy and I hope that all countries continue to progress towards peace.

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