Sunday, October 24, 2010

CNN's Black and White Test

I cannot understand how ignorant society is when there is a racist system and we expect that kids will not point to the darkest skinned person as the bad child, the ugly child and assign every other negative characteristic to blackness. Even the dictionary states that black has negative semantic properties and white is the antithesis of black: benevolent.

Obama being elected president has only served to exacerbate such ignorance. The election was supposedly symbolic of equality and racial justice; however, it does not erase the fact that the United States was built on the backs of slaves. Slavery in the U.S. was race-based and the system: racism, helped Caucasians and other minorities while hurting African-Americans and those visible minorities who may have been mistaken for or categorized with African-Americans.

There will always be racism. The media reinforces racism and racism will not end until they study the children in the study that went against saying that the study and showed a complete lack of bias towards all skin tones and independent thinking beyond their peers.   

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